Storii: Country, Phone Number and Language Availability


At current we send and accept phone calls for life story calls via the phone numbers below. While Storii employs a sophisticated caller ID system to ensure each call is clearly identified as originating from us, we recommend saving or noting the number from which we call as a contact in your or your loved one's devices. This can help to avoid any confusion and ensure that calls from Storii are readily recognized and received.

United States of America - ( From/to Number +1 (559) 206-8906 )
Canada  - ( From/to Number +1 (559) 206-8906 )
United Kingdom  - ( From/to Number +44 7480786795 )
Guernsey - ( From/to Number +44 7480786795 )
Israel - ( From/to Number +972 523998782 ) 
Mexico - ( From/to Number +52 8002832897 ) 
Australia - ( From/to Number +61 485865701 ) 
South Africa - ( From/to Number +27 872500253 )
Thailand - ( From/to Number +66 1800013623 )
Indonesia - ( From/to Number +62 80332160306 )
Puerto Rico - ( From/to Number +1 (787) 330-2143 )
Finland - ( From/to Number +358 454907865 )
Denmark - ( From/to Number +45 4592456849 )
Philippines - ( From/to Number +63 180015500043 )
New Zealand - ( From/to Number +64 800453945 )
Netherlands - ( From/to Number +31 97010208113 )
Colombia - ( From/to Number +57 8005190683 ) 

At current we are only sending out calls in English or Spanish (this can be selected during signup or changed via call settings) - we do plan to expand to other languages in the near future. There is of course nothing stopping call recipients recording an answer in any language they choose. Please let us know which languages you would like to see Storii calls sent out in!